Mapping Routine

Monday, May 23rd, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

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Portray something you do on a regular basis using an invented vocabulary

For this project, we had to some up with our own means of portraying and recording something we do on a regular basis using just imagery, and no text. For example, one classmate devised a grid system using both horizontal and vertical axes to portray the layers of clothing he was wearing during each hour of the day. Pretty crazy, and abstract when you look at it, but very cool in theory. It made us think hard about every aspect of the image-making we were doing.

My decision was to portray how badass I was feeling during social interactions using facial hair and viking adornment. The more facial hair and viking adornment there is in an image, the more badass or awesome I felt during that interaction or that day. The less of those things, the more insecure and down I was. It was great fun as an assignment, so long as I kept track of my moods throughout the days. And the week I ended up doing this was somewhat of a rollercoaster, as you can see.


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